Gestor de Vendes Telemàtiques i lloc de publicitat autoritzat pel Ministeri de Justícia

Hora del servidor Thu 12/12/2024 hores 00:55 | Europe/Rome

Sheet Metal Warehouse

Sorteig 1

Subhasta n.11456

Diversos > Estoc Productes i Matèries Primeres

  • Sheet Metal Warehouse 1
  • Sheet Metal Warehouse 2
  • Sheet Metal Warehouse 3
  • Sheet Metal Warehouse 4
  • Sheet Metal Warehouse 5
  • Sheet Metal Warehouse 6
  • + imatge
  • Descripció

The lot includes:

Warehouse MP_9999 Consisting of:
Sheets - Sub-formats - Beams - Angles - Tubes - Other Materials for total indicative Kg. 3,979,923 - ref. Pos. A

MP_CO warehouse - Consisting of:
Sheet metal mostly used for the construction of bridges or viaducts to order. Code 1220-OC - 1220-OC_PR - 1279-OE for indicated total Kg. 4,229,441 - ref. Pos. B

Semi-finished Warehouse Consisting of:
structural elements of various types Code 1220-OC - 1279-OE for a total of indicative Kg 852.667 - ref. Pos. C

Finished Product Warehouse Consisting of:
structural elements of various types Code 1120-OC for a total of Kg. 382.150 - ref. Pos. D

Various equipment Consisting of:
materials and artifacts in iron and steel used for the assembly of bridges and viaducts for a total of Kg. 731.897 - ref. Pos. E

in the event of an award, the collection of the goods must be completed within 120 days from the completion of the sale; there is a penalty of € 10,000.00 * VAT excluded for each month or fraction of a month of delay with a maximum term of 30.10.2021

The sale of the goods that make up the lot takes place as a whole and not by measure and / or weight, as seen and liked in the state of fact in which they are found.


Aquest lot forma part de:

Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse - Complete lot
Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse - Complete lot
Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse - Complete lot
Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse - Complete lot
CLots en venda en combinació
27 Lots
Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse
Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse
Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse
27 Lots

Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse

Steel infrastructure production - Vehicles and sheet metal warehouse

Subhasta 11456

Tribunal de Vicenza - Caiguda. n. 175/2019
Venda n.2

Wed 09/06/2021 hores 15:00

Thu 10/06/2021 hores 15:01

Fitxa Subhasta

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Sorteig 7|Subhasta 10816

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Mobles i Equipaments Variats


Banc Elèctric, Material Vari i Prestatgeries
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Material d'oficina - Articles i accessoris
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N. 3549 Montures d'Oculars


N. 5342 Montures d'Oculars


N. 1519 Parell d'Oculars de Sol i N. 932 Lents


N. 6 Marques


Cessió Ramo d'Empresa - Sector Producció i Major d'Accessoris de Pell


Cessió Ramo d'Empresa - Sector Transport


N. 2 Sistemes d'Aspiració i Reducció


Necessites ajuda?