Gestor de Vendes Telemàtiques i lloc de publicitat autoritzat pel Ministeri de Justícia

Hora del servidor Fri 13/12/2024 hores 11:23 | Europe/Rome

Lot of Various Haberdashery

Sorteig 1

Subhasta n.5178

Roba d'abric > Tèxtil i Confecció

  • Lot of Various Haberdashery 1
  • Lot of Various Haberdashery 2
  • Lot of Various Haberdashery 3
  • Lot of Various Haberdashery 4
  • Lot of Various Haberdashery 5
  • Lot of Various Haberdashery 6
  • + imatge
  • Descripció

The lot includes:

n. 91 male and female dressing gowns for adults and children, various sizes and brands
n. 193 bras various sizes and brands
n. 41 various body sizes and brands
n. 102 items of clothing (trousers, jackets, shawls, skirts, dresses) of various sizes
n. 51 intimate corsages
n. 51 containing corsets
n. 85 man-woman-child pajamas
n. 38 silk slips
n. 30 night shrugs
n. 165 outdoor t-shirts
n. 231 slip g-strings
n. 220 women's briefs
n. 125 men's and women's underwear
n. 17 nightgowns
n. 45 panciere
n. 46 bras
n. 110 briefs for men and women and children
n. 100 men's and women's and children's underwear
n. 5 bedspreads
n. 5 towels
n. 2 bathrobes
n. 15 single sheets
n. 3 placemats
n. 2 brown fabric hats
n. 83 pairs of man-child socks
n. 1 satied two-seater
n. 1 dining tablecloth
n. 6 mattress covers
n. 2 double beds
n. 3 double sheets
n. 150 costumes and accessories
n. 5 little dresses for baptism
n. 70 intimate accessorizes
n. 1600 pantyhose


Llot Sospès per

Preu de reserva

Increment mínim € 100,00

Prima de l'adquirent 7,00 %

Dipòsit de fiança: € 200,00

Impost sobre el lot 22,00 %si s'aplica


Demana Informació Demana visió
Haberdasher's - Furniture and products
Haberdasher's - Furniture and products
Haberdasher's - Furniture and products
2 Lots

Haberdasher's - Furniture and products

Haberdasher's - Furniture and products

Subhasta 5178

Tribunal de Matera - Caiguda. n. 9/2018
Venda n.4

Wed 05/06/2019 hores 17:00

Wed 26/06/2019 hores 17:00

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