The lot includes:
n. 2 cages with door and perimeter fence
n. 1 Steinex stone splitter model 8B4WZ1004 type IGLOO 320 queen. 1686 year 2010
n. 1 Steinex stone splitter model BB4WZ1004 type IGLOO 320 queen. 1748 year 2011
n. 1 horizontal Rosler tumbling machine model Cogefer serial 5128 year 2010
n. 1 Press filter
n. 1 vertical tumbler
n. 1 Splitting Machine (Out of Use)
n. 1 Linde forklift type H30D-03 serial H2X 351K 03 821 year 1999, capacity 3ton
Hora del servidor Wed 05/02/2025 hores 16:54 | Europe/Rome
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