Gestor de Vendes Telemàtiques i lloc de publicitat autoritzat pel Ministeri de Justícia

Hora del servidor Wed 15/01/2025 hores 21:01 | Europe/Rome

Clothing and Shop Furniture - I

Sorteig 12

Subhasta n.12448

Roba d'abric > Tèxtil i Confecció

  • Clothing and Shop Furniture - I 1
  • Clothing and Shop Furniture - I 2
  • Clothing and Shop Furniture - I 3
  • Clothing and Shop Furniture - I 4
  • Clothing and Shop Furniture - I 5
  • Clothing and Shop Furniture - I 6
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  • Descripció

Clothing and shop furniture as described below:

N. 1262 items of clothing of which 1009 shirts and the remaining trousers, ties and sweaters - ref. 256

The total quantities of the goods indicated could be subject to variation of +/- 5%

Shop furniture consisting of:
cash desk in cherry laminate, service counter, director's chair, stool, two steel racks, two double-level metal and laminate display tables, two powder extinguishers, a folding staircase with two steps, two cabinet base units, 11 various types of mannequins and an anti-theft station - ref. 254

Electronic equipment consisting of:
Acer Veriton computer with keyboard and mouse monitor, RCH PRINT-FT40 fiscal meter, Revolution HT 7000 banknote verification, cordless, Datalogic barcode reader, Brother DCP L2610D printer, Peaq cd reader, APC ups and Cisco router - ref. 255

The material described above is packed and boxed as shown in the attached photos


Llot Sospès per

Preu de reserva

Increment mínim € 250,00

Prima de l'adquirent 10,00 %

Dipòsit de fiança: € 1.000,00

Càrrecs addicionals de gestió € 250,00

Impost sobre el lot 22,00 %si s'aplica


Demana Informació Demana visió
Clothing trade and production - Machinery, materials and furnishings
Clothing trade and production - Machinery, materials and furnishings
Clothing trade and production - Machinery, materials and furnishings
22 Lots

Clothing trade and production - Machinery, materials and furnishings

Clothing trade and production - Machinery, materials and furnishings

Subhasta 12448

Tribunal de Padova - Caiguda. n. 65/2021

Fri 17/09/2021 hores 15:30

Tue 26/10/2021 hores 15:49

Fitxa Subhasta

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