Gestor de Vendes Telemàtiques i lloc de publicitat autoritzat pel Ministeri de Justícia

Hora del servidor Wed 22/01/2025 hores 14:36 | Europe/Rome

Computer Equipment

Sorteig 30

Subhasta n.13057

Mobles i oficina > Informàtica i Oficina

  • Computer Equipment 1
  • Computer Equipment 2
  • Computer Equipment 3
  • Computer Equipment 4
  • Computer Equipment 5
  • Computer Equipment 6
  • + imatge
  • Descripció
The lot includes:
Computer Hp Torre Pro Desk 400 G4 Mt + Sai + Rfid Reader
7 "Samsung Galaxy Tab A Tablet
7 "Samsung Galaxy Tab A Tablet
Bluebee Tm 215 15 "Tft Touch Lcd Monitor
2 Ticket printers Bixolon Srp 350 Plus Iii
Samsung Galaxy Tab A 7 "8Gb Tablet
Samsung Galaxy Tab A 7 "8Gb Tablet
Sony Playstation 4
Ibiza 800W Portable Speaker Port 15 Vhf
Hdmi mixer and digital modulator
Hp printer

It could happen that some elements are not present. It is advisable to carry out a vision to check the condition and quantities of the goods.


Llot Sospès per

Preu de reserva

Increment mínim € 50,00

Prima de l'adquirent 10,00 %

Dipòsit de fiança: € 500,00

Càrrecs addicionals de gestió € 490,00

Impost sobre el lot 21,00 %si s'aplica


Demana Informació Demana visió
Catering furniture and equipment
Catering furniture and equipment
Catering furniture and equipment
31 Lots

Catering furniture and equipment

Catering furniture and equipment

Subhasta 13057

Tribunal de Pontevedra

Mon 29/11/2021 hores 15:30

Thu 13/01/2022 hores 15:44

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