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Hora del servidor Wed 05/02/2025 hores 14:56 | Europe/Rome

Land in Vimianzo - Corcubion - A Coruña

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  • Land in Vimianzo - Corcubion - A Coruña 1
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Land in Vimianzo - Corcubion - A Coruña

Finca n. 1,313
AREA OF PARCELAR CONCENTRATION OF CREIXO-CRANÉS of the Municipality of Vimianzo, called TARREO DA FONTE, farmhouse. It has an area of 315 sqm.
For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.

Partícula: 1313


Llot Sospès per

Preu de reserva

Increment mínim € 100,00

Prima de l'adquirent 6,00 %

Dipòsit de fiança: € 76,00

Preus indicats sense IVA i càrrecs com per llei


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