Warehouse in Anzio (Roma), via Antium, Anteo Shopping Center
The property is registered at Real Estate Registry of City of Anzio at sheet 17:
Parcel 452 – Sub 74 – Category C/2 – Consistency 32 sqm – Cadastral Rent € 152,04
The property is located in the basement of the "Anteo" shopping center, considered a pole of considerable attraction for the locals. Access to the warehouse is by the pedestrian walkway inside the shopping center. The entrance is protected by a security metal door, connected to an alarm system equipped with a siren. There are no windows or other openings other than the entrance door. The floor is in industrial type concrete and the walls are finished in the rough gray color, without paint. The electrical system is present.
For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.
Площ: 32
План: S1