The lot includes:
Hazardous materials shelter - ref. 314
Paint shelter box - ref. 315
N.3 Welding gas cylinder shelter - ref. 316
Elements for trabatelli - ref. 326
Aluminum bunk staircase - ref. 327
Foldable telescopic ladder - ref. 328
Foldable telescopic ladder - ref. 329
Shelf with 6 uprights and 35 shelves (excluding the material positioned above) - ref. 330
Pallet rack with 3 uprights and 12 crosspieces with cover (excluding the material positioned above) - ref. 331
Pallet rack shelf 3 uprights and 16 crosspieces (excluding the material positioned above) - ref. 332
Pallet rack shelf 3 uprights and 12 crosspieces (excluding the material positioned above) - ref. 333
Pallet rack 7 uprights and 32 crosspieces (excluding the material positioned above) - ref. 334
Steel wardrobe with 2 doors - ref. 427
Steel wardrobe with 2 doors - ref. 428
N.2 Workbenches with steel chest of drawers with 4 drawers, low door cabinet, vice, perforated tool holder panel - ref. 429
N.2 Workbenches with steel chest of drawers with 4 drawers, low door cabinet, vice, perforated tool holder panel - ref. 430
N.2 Steel drawer units with 9 drawers + REXTA JUNO drawer unit with 7 drawers - ref. 431
N.2 Drawers in steel 6 drawers - ref. 433
N.2 Drawers in steel 7 drawers - ref. 434
N.2 Drawers in steel 7 drawers - ref. 435
N.2 Steel drawers with 6 drawers + low cabinet with 2 sliding doors - ref. 436
N.3 4-drawer filing cabinets + 3-drawer filing cabinet - ref. 437
N.3 BETA EASY wheeled drawer units + REXTA JUNO wheeled drawer unit with 7 drawers - ref. 438
Multibox 6 x 19 warehouse complete with plastic containers - ref. 439
Zerbitzari ordua Thu 12/12/2024 orduak 00:28 | Europe/Rome
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