Justiziako Ministerioak baimendutako Salmenta Telematikoak eta Publizitate Gunea kudeatzailea

Zerbitzari ordua Thu 12/12/2024 orduak 00:28 | Europe/Rome

Workshop Furniture

Lotea 2

Artxa n.12115

Anitzak > Laneko tresnak

  • Workshop Furniture 1
  • Workshop Furniture 2
  • Workshop Furniture 3
  • Workshop Furniture 4
  • Workshop Furniture 5
  • Workshop Furniture 6
  • + argazkia
  • Deskribapena

The lot includes:

Hazardous materials shelter - ref. 314
Paint shelter box - ref. 315
N.3 Welding gas cylinder shelter - ref. 316
Elements for trabatelli - ref. 326
Aluminum bunk staircase - ref. 327
Foldable telescopic ladder - ref. 328
Foldable telescopic ladder - ref. 329
Shelf with 6 uprights and 35 shelves (excluding the material positioned above) - ref. 330
Pallet rack with 3 uprights and 12 crosspieces with cover (excluding the material positioned above) - ref. 331
Pallet rack shelf 3 uprights and 16 crosspieces (excluding the material positioned above) - ref. 332
Pallet rack shelf 3 uprights and 12 crosspieces (excluding the material positioned above) - ref. 333
Pallet rack 7 uprights and 32 crosspieces (excluding the material positioned above) - ref. 334
Steel wardrobe with 2 doors - ref. 427
Steel wardrobe with 2 doors - ref. 428
N.2 Workbenches with steel chest of drawers with 4 drawers, low door cabinet, vice, perforated tool holder panel - ref. 429
N.2 Workbenches with steel chest of drawers with 4 drawers, low door cabinet, vice, perforated tool holder panel - ref. 430
N.2 Steel drawer units with 9 drawers + REXTA JUNO drawer unit with 7 drawers - ref. 431
N.2 Drawers in steel 6 drawers - ref. 433
N.2 Drawers in steel 7 drawers - ref. 434
N.2 Drawers in steel 7 drawers - ref. 435
N.2 Steel drawers with 6 drawers + low cabinet with 2 sliding doors - ref. 436
N.3 4-drawer filing cabinets + 3-drawer filing cabinet - ref. 437
N.3 BETA EASY wheeled drawer units + REXTA JUNO wheeled drawer unit with 7 drawers - ref. 438
Multibox 6 x 19 warehouse complete with plastic containers - ref. 439


Lote hauren parte da

Work Equipment, Workshop, Warehouse and Office
Work Equipment, Workshop, Warehouse and Office
Work Equipment, Workshop, Warehouse and Office
Work Equipment, Workshop, Warehouse and Office
CSalmenta lotak konbinazioan
7 Loteak

Work Equipment, Workshop, Warehouse and Office

Kombinazioa 1|Artxa 12115

Lote fitxa

Torri di Quartesolo (VI) - Italy

Eska ezazu informazioa Ikusi eskatu
Work equipment - workshop, warehouse and offices
Work equipment - workshop, warehouse and offices
Work equipment - workshop, warehouse and offices
7 Loteak

Work equipment - workshop, warehouse and offices

Work equipment - workshop, warehouse and offices

Artxa 12115

Epaitegia Vicenza - Huts egin. n. 175/2019

Fri 06/08/2021 orduak 15:00

Tue 07/09/2021 orduak 15:00

Astearen Ficha

Lotak erlazionatuak

Trendfin RAM 4200 Biraketa Taldea


Trendfin RAM 4200 Biraketa Taldea

Lotea 20|Artxa 25256

Lote fitxa

Cornedo Vicentino (VI) - Italy

Pintura-kabina eta inkapuziatzailea
Eskaintza egin
CSalmenta lotak konbinazioan
2 Loteak
Elektronika tresnak
CSalmenta lotak konbinazioan
3 Loteak
Muebleak eta Laneko Ekipamendua eta Prensa
Eskaintza egin
CSalmenta lotak konbinazioan
2 Loteak
Elektrizitate instalazioa eta Ur-Addolzitzailea
Eskaintza egin


Workbenches, Stools and Chairs
Eskaintza egin


Workbenches, Stools and Chairs

Lotea 16|Artxa 24053

Lote fitxa

Rossano Veneto (VI) - Italy

Etiketak eta Poltsak
Eskaintza egin


N. 3 Rivettatzaile eta Tresna Desberdinak
Eskaintza egin


Lan Tresnak
Eskaintza egin


Lan Tresnak

Lotea 3|Artxa 24736

Lote fitxa

Schio (VI) - Italy

Esnekirolarako Paketatze Ekipoak
Eskaintza egin


N. 4 Eskalak eta Zigilatzailea
Eskaintza egin


Garraio Banda


Garraio Banda

Lotea 43|Artxa 24889

Lote fitxa

Monselice (PD) - Italy

Laguntza behar duzu?