Sale of 100% of the shares held by IMCOS S.p.a. based in Rome, Via Simone De Saint Bon n. 89
The company's assets are composed of the following properties:
a) Municipality of Corigliano Calabro (CS), industrial area of the Salice district, identified in the cadastral register on sheet 38, parcel 1257, sub 12, category D / 1, cadastral income equal to € 8,491.00;
b) Municipality of Corigliano Calabro (CS), industrial area of the Salice district, identified cadastrally on sheet 38, parcel 1257, sub 9, category being defined;
c) Municipality of Corigliano Calabro (CS), industrial area of the Salice district, identified cadastrally on sheet 38, parcel 1257, sub 5, category being defined;
d) Municipality of Corigliano Calabro (CS), industrial area of the Salice district, identified cadastrally on sheet 38, parcel 581, sub 1, category D / 8, cadastral income equal to € 7,767.51 - together with sheet 38, parcel 1381, sub 1, category D / 1, cadastral income equal to € 148.00;
e) Municipality of San Marco Argentano (CS), ASI industrial area, identified in the cadastral register on sheet 29, parcel 320, extended arable land quality. It has 00.55.12, land income of € 27.04;
For further information see the appraisal in the annex
Zerbitzari ordua Wed 11/12/2024 orduak 21:47 | Europe/Rome
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