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Zerbitzari ordua Wed 12/03/2025 orduak 10:20 | Europe/Rome

Office and Exhibition Furniture

Lotea 12

Artxa n.20096

Altzariak eta bulegoa > Altzari desberdinak eta ekipamenduak

  • Office and Exhibition Furniture 1
  • Office and Exhibition Furniture 2
  • Office and Exhibition Furniture 3
  • Office and Exhibition Furniture 4
  • Office and Exhibition Furniture 5
  • Office and Exhibition Furniture 6
  • + argazkia
  • Deskribapena

Office and exhibition furniture consisting of:

no. 4 equipped walls in light laminate with n. 4 drawers, no. 4 desks with black metal structure and wooden top, wooden bookcase shelving, final reception desk in half-moon gray laminate, metal filing cabinet with n. 3 drawers, no. 2 metal desks with drawers, low cabinet in light laminate, rectangular counter in black laminate, n. 4 waiting chairs with brown imitation leather seat, desk with black metal structure and light laminate top, metal chest of drawers with wheels, counter with black metal structure and laminate top, tall metal wardrobe with n. 2 sliding doors - ref. 269


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