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Zerbitzari ordua Thu 13/03/2025 orduak 09:56 | Europe/Rome

TORC-PAC 250 Clutch Test Bench

Lotea 80

Artxa n.5091

Mekanika > Tresnak erabiltzeko makina

  • TORC-PAC 250 Clutch Test Bench 1
  • TORC-PAC 250 Clutch Test Bench 2
  • TORC-PAC 250 Clutch Test Bench 3
  • TORC-PAC 250 Clutch Test Bench 4
  • TORC-PAC 250 Clutch Test Bench 5
  • TORC-PAC 250 Clutch Test Bench 6
  • + argazkia
  • Deskribapena

Bench for the testing of" hot "clutch units, ie in the same working and stress conditions
existing on the press during production. Testing can take up to 8 hours
with the electronic and paper detection of all data and results - ref. E.1)

Marka: Torc Pac

Modeloa: 250


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