The lot includes:
Spindles and tools - ref. E.1)
TOOLS ROOM Tool presetting and custody of manual measuring instruments (feedback blocks, comparators, bore gauges, micrometers - ref. E.2)
HEAVY CONTROL TEAM MM 1000X630X120 - ref. E.3)
RESINE LABORATORY Laboratory for the preparation of temperature-controlled resins, equipped with mixing equipment and compressor for the realization of "" vacuum "" for the production of prototype models in stratified material. - ref. E.4)
HERAEUS OVEN For aging resins - ref. E.5)
Infrared lamp for catalysing resins - ref. E.6)
Drawers for workers N. 15 drawers on wheels for individual use of workers - ref. E.7)
KARCHER pressure washer - ref. E.8)
Workbenches N. 4 cast iron workbenches with reference plane - ref. E.9)
Diabase feedback plan Dim .: 2,500 x 1,000 x 250 - ref. E.10)
Weighing Capacity: 8 T - ref. E.11)
Equipment warehouse - ref. E.12)
Profile warehouse - ref. E.13)
Zerbitzari ordua Wed 12/03/2025 orduak 12:17 | Europe/Rome
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- Erabilera gida
- Ohiko galderak
Justiziako Ministerioak baimendutako Salmenta Telematikoak eta Publizitate Gunea kudeatzailea