Justiziako Ministerioak baimendutako Salmenta Telematikoak eta Publizitate Gunea kudeatzailea

Zerbitzari ordua Fri 26/07/2024 orduak 00:36 | Europe/Rome

Various Work Tables

Lotea 18

Artxa n.9370

Anitzak > Laneko tresnak

  • Various Work Tables 1
  • Various Work Tables 2
  • Various Work Tables 3
  • Various Work Tables 4
  • Various Work Tables 5
  • Deskribapena

The lot includes:

n. 1 wooden work table with wooden chipboard top and lower shelf - approx. cm. 260x90
n. 1 wooden work table with drawer and shelf below - approx. cm. 370x100
n. 1 work table in metal and formica with underlying shelf - approx. cm. 290x90
n. 1 work table with metal frame and laminated wood top with underlying shelf + two lamps with magnifying glass
n. 1 metal shelving with two uprights and three shelves
n. 1 brown laminate cabinet for a total of 19 open compartments and 4 small doors
n. 2 low cabinets in gray metal with two doors each
n. 1 wardrobe in brown laminate with two doors and open compartment for clothes hangers
n. 4 wooden chairs various models and colors
n. 1 stool
n. 1 wooden table and white laminate top - approx. cm. 200x80
n. 2 small smoky tables in brown laminate - ref. 18


Lote hauren parte da

Combination of Furniture and Work Equipment
Combination of Furniture and Work Equipment
Combination of Furniture and Work Equipment
Combination of Furniture and Work Equipment
CSalmenta lotak konbinazioan
4 Loteak
Eska ezazu informazioa Ikusi eskatu
Industrial ironing - Machinery and equipment
Industrial ironing - Machinery and equipment
Industrial ironing - Machinery and equipment
25 Loteak
Eskaintza librea

Industrial ironing - Machinery and equipment

Industrial ironing - Machinery and equipment

Artxa 9370

Epaitegia Pistoia - Huts egin. n. 12/2019
Saltzailea n.6

Tue 20/10/2020 orduak 16:00

Thu 26/11/2020 orduak 16:25

Astearen Ficha

Lotak erlazionatuak

Italiako Macchi 300m hormako pisua


Bilancia Elektronikoa Helmac Gp1 Kolorea - A


Bilancia Elektronikoa Helmac Gp1 Kolorea - B


Bilancia Elektronikoa Helmac Gp1 Kolorea - C


Eskailerak eta Merkataritzarako Saskiak


Bilaketa Elektronikoa Helmac Gp1 Kolorea - D


Bilaketa Elektronikoa Helmac Gp1 Kolorea - E


Armadioak, Eskaileriak, Errimodoeiak, Pallet atea eta Materiala Burdina


Laneko Ekipamendu Desberdinak
Laneko Ekipamendu Desberdinak
Laneko Ekipamendu Desberdinak
Laneko Ekipamendu Desberdinak
CSalmenta lotak konbinazioan
14 Loteak



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Lote fitxa

Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (ME) - Italy

2 Karril Berdeak Kolorea


2 Karril Berdeak Kolorea

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Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (ME) - Italy

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Lotea 11|Artxa 23232

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Barcellona Pozzo di Gotto (ME) - Italy

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