Justiziako Ministerioak baimendutako Salmenta Telematikoak eta Publizitate Gunea kudeatzailea

Zerbitzari ordua Fri 27/12/2024 orduak 06:38 | Europe/Rome

Various Machinery - B

Lotea 20

Artxa n.20942

Arropa > Tela eta Konfekzioa

  • Various Machinery - B 1
  • Various Machinery - B 2
  • Various Machinery - B 3
  • Various Machinery - B 4
  • Various Machinery - B 5
  • Various Machinery - B 6
  • + argazkia
  • Deskribapena
The lot includes:
n. 1 Rameuse with routes Santa Lucia brand (SEE ART. 154) - ref. 149 (slight damage and removal of wiring)
n. 1 Straighten wefts brand MDC Pasotti machines, matr. 930677 - ref. 150 (slight damage and removal of wiring)
n. 1 Ramatex mod. Rama type White 06 220 gas, matr. 1436 - ref. 154 (slight damage and removal of wiring)
n. 1 Machine brand Pasotti machines mod. Ramatex type scarf Tav 2600, matr. 13 / 00R - ref. 155 (slight damage and removal of wiring)

- viewing is recommended -

with reference to the flue of the Rameuse with paths branded Santa Lucia (ART. 154), the withdrawal operations must be carried out by the successful tenderer, or his delegate, leaving the last section of the same fixed, which in any case must be placed in safety and locked in such a way as to support its weight.


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Industrial knitwear factory - Machinery and equipment
Industrial knitwear factory - Machinery and equipment
Industrial knitwear factory - Machinery and equipment
Industrial knitwear factory - Machinery and equipment
CSalmenta lotak konbinazioan
29 Loteak
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Industrial knitwear factory - Machinery and equipment
Industrial knitwear factory - Machinery and equipment
Industrial knitwear factory - Machinery and equipment
29 Loteak
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Industrial knitwear factory - Machinery and equipment

Industrial knitwear factory - Machinery and equipment

Artxa 20942

Epaitegia Agrigento - Huts egin. n. 38/2016
Saltzailea n.19

Mon 18/12/2023 orduak 16:30

Wed 31/01/2024 orduak 16:30

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