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Zerbitzari ordua Wed 12/03/2025 orduak 20:11 | Europe/Rome

Honda  motorcycles

Artxa n. 12219

Epaitegia Sevilla
Saltzailea n.2

Sevilla - Spain

Honda PC 40 and JC 28 motorcycles - Law court of Sevilla - Bankruptcy n. 163/2021 - Sale 2
Honda PC 40 and JC 28 motorcycles - Law court of Sevilla - Bankruptcy n. 163/2021 - Sale 2
Honda PC 40 and JC 28 motorcycles - Law court of Sevilla - Bankruptcy n. 163/2021 - Sale 2
2 Loteak
Beherapena -100%
Asta immobiliare su Gobid.es
Asta immobiliare su Gobid.es
Wed 01/09/2021 orduak 16:00
Wed 29/09/2021 orduak 16:03
  • Deskribapena
Honda motorcycle
Bankruptcy n.163 / 2021 - Seville Law Court
For sale Honda PC 40 and Honda JC 28 motorcycles

For further information consult lot webpages
Collection assistance costs are required. Due amounts for the available date (s) of collection are indicated in each lot webpage. For further collection dates additional costs please refer to specific terms of the auction
Lots are sold as is. Viewing is reccomended.

awarding will be subject to Bankruptcy Bodies approval.

Lower will be the difference between the bid and the reserve price, higher will be the chance for awarding. Offers reaching the reserve price will determine the provisional lot awarding.
  • Ikuskapena:By appontment
  • Diru Aurreztena:EUR 250,00
  • Kudeaketa osagarriakaplikazioa
  • Filtro guztiak ezabatu
  • 24
  • 36
  • 48

Lotak erlazionatuta

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