The lot includes:
n. 25 platforms - ref. 2
n. 7 exhibitors of different colors - ref. 6
n. 2 long trolleys - ref. 10
n. 20 wooden panels - ref. 12
n. 3 display cabinets - ref. 14
inventories - ref. 16
goods in the shop - ref. 17
- some products have an expiration date that has passed -
Full list of warehouse and store in the annex
Zerbitzari ordua Thu 13/03/2025 orduak 18:43 | Europe/Rome
- Denak kategoriak
- Denak asteak
- Egutegia
- Gobid-en hautatuak
- Hautagaiak
- Nola parte hartu asteetan
- Gurekin saltzeko
- Zehaztapen zerrenda
- Erabilera gida
- Ohiko galderak
Justiziako Ministerioak baimendutako Salmenta Telematikoak eta Publizitate Gunea kudeatzailea