The lot includes:
n. 1 tank for diesel 9000 liters perinelli brand -year 2009- matr. 1451 - ref. 1
n. 1 trolley carries ferrini brand boxes - ref. 2
n. 1 drawer with wheels - ref. 3
n. 1 black leather armchair with wheels - ref. 4
n. 1 walnut-colored bookcase - ref. 5
n. 1 monitor brand samsung - ref. 6
n. 1 computer without brand - ref. 7
n. 1 oki brand printer - ref. 8
n. 1 brown wooden cabinet - ref. 9
n. 1 iron cabinet - ref. 10
n. 29 wooden bins - ref. 11
n. 31 plastic bins - ref. 12
n. 180 plastic fruit crates - ref. 13
n. 170 wooden fruit boxes - ref. 14
n. 50 cardboard boxes for fruit - ref. 15
n. 1 electric lift brand mp mod.120mm-matr. 1197 capacity 500kg, without indication of the year of construction and without CE marking) - ref. 16
Zerbitzari ordua Fri 14/03/2025 orduak 10:24 | Europe/Rome
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