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Zerbitzari ordua Fri 14/03/2025 orduak 10:05 | Europe/Rome

Sud Tainer Trailer

Lotea 2

Artxa n.6699

Garraioak > Erremolkeak - Erremolke erdiak

  • Sud Tainer Trailer 1
  • Sud Tainer Trailer 2
  • Deskribapena

Trailer for transport of things with shore, branded
SOUTH TAINER 220RP / 7.5. There
Conformity Declaration is dated 20.04.1995 and was
registered on 21.07.1995. On 14.11.2003 he is transferred
to the company and the circulation card was updated
04.08.2004. The bodywork is made of iron type a
hull with shore and is structured with n. 2 axes.


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