The lot includes:
Lectra Fashion VT-FA-FX-72 automatic cutting machine, year 2009, 9L2522 series, cutting width 1800 cm, cutting height 25 mm - ref. 191
Atom-type green bridge die-cutting machine, with fabric holder roller - ref. 186
Atom-type green bridge die-cutting machine, with fabric holder roller - ref. 187
Workbench about 4 meters long in green metal, with two shelves, containing about 150 punches - ref. 188
Zerbitzari ordua Sun 09/03/2025 orduak 15:24 | Europe/Rome
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- Denak asteak
- Egutegia
- Gobid-en hautatuak
- Hautagaiak
- Nola parte hartu asteetan
- Gurekin saltzeko
- Zehaztapen zerrenda
- Erabilera gida
- Ohiko galderak
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