The lot includes:
Steel cabinet with 2 sliding doors with 1.20 m lift. - ref. 9
Cabinet with two sliding doors with 2.00 m lift - ref. 10
Mobile PASS to keep food warm with two sliding doors and an internal shelf - ref. 17
Sink with one well with backsplash 1.20 x 0.70 m - ref. 28
Steel base with two drawers 2.00 x 0.70 m - ref. 29
Steel base with two sliding doors 2.0 x 0.70 m with internal shelf - ref. 30
Fridge with two doors and two drawers 1.70 x 0.70 m - ref. 31
Steel rack 1.80 x 0.80 m - ref. 32
Zerbitzari ordua Thu 13/03/2025 orduak 15:17 | Europe/Rome
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