Justiziako Ministerioak baimendutako Salmenta Telematikoak eta Publizitate Gunea kudeatzailea

Zerbitzari ordua Fri 14/03/2025 orduak 20:09 | Europe/Rome

Catering Equipment - A

Lotea 2

Artxa n.20049

Elikadura eta jatetxeak > Sukaldaritza ekipamenduak

  • Catering Equipment - A 1
  • Catering Equipment - A 2
  • Catering Equipment - A 3
  • Catering Equipment - A 4
  • Catering Equipment - A 5
  • Catering Equipment - A 6
  • + argazkia
  • Deskribapena

he lot includes:

Grid 0.80 x 0.90 m with two drawers for drainage - ref. 21
Fryer with two baskets 0.80 x 0.90 m with two doors - ref. 22
Six burner stove with oven and one door - ref. 23
Pasta cooker 0.80 x 0.90 m with two small baskets and two doors underneath - ref. 24
Braising pans 0.80 x 0.90 m - n° 2 - ref. 25
Steel shelf 1.00 x 0.40 m - ref. 26
no. 2 suction hoods 2.70 meters long excluding external motors - ref. 48


Lote Gelditua per

Eskaintza prezioa

Hobereneko bidalketa € 250,00

Erosketa Premiuma 10,00 %

Diru Aurreztena: € 250,00

Kudeaketa osagarriak € 250,00

Lotean BEZa 22,00 %nondik aplikagarria


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