The lot includes:
n. 2 OMCN lifting bridges, model 199 / ALFA of 4,000 kg - ref. 17
APAC 1654S hydraulic column press, 20 ton. - ref. 5
OMCN 1000 kg hydraulic crane - ref. 3
Hydraulic jack - ref. 8
USAG tool trolley - ref. 4
Parts washer-Safety Kleen - ref. 10
RAASM 44091 waste oil collector with 90L tank - ref. 9
Exhaust gas aspirator with reel - ref. 16
YAMATO compressor with wall hose reels - ref. 1
3 trolleys, 2 work benches, 1 wall tool holder, with various products and workshop equipment - ref. 7
Shelving with various spare parts for workshop - ref. 2
Not complete engine - ref. 12
Boxes with small parts - ref. 6
Zerbitzari ordua Fri 14/03/2025 orduak 20:19 | Europe/Rome
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