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Zerbitzari ordua Fri 17/01/2025 orduak 07:12 | Europe/Rome

Business Unit: Furniture Production - Pontevedra, Spain

Lotea 1

Hitzordua n.9908

Anitzak > Enpresaren adarra

  • Business Unit: Furniture Production - Pontevedra, Spain 1
  • Business Unit: Furniture Production - Pontevedra, Spain 2
  • Business Unit: Furniture Production - Pontevedra, Spain 3
  • Business Unit: Furniture Production - Pontevedra, Spain 4
  • Business Unit: Furniture Production - Pontevedra, Spain 5
  • Business Unit: Furniture Production - Pontevedra, Spain 6
  • + argazkia
  • Deskribapena
Collection of offers for the acquisition of the business unit of the company Corral y Couto S.L. - furniture production in Pontevedra (Spain).
Bankruptcy procedure n. 245/2019 - Court n ° 2 of Pontevedra
Located in A Estrada (Pontevedra), the company has developed several specialized projects and was present on the national, European and American market.
In Corral y Couto the highest standards of quality and technical knowledge have been put into practice and a large amount of time and financial resources have been invested in order to achieve continuous improvement in terms of design, production and customer satisfaction.
At this time, despite the liquidation phase, the company maintains its business, through service contracts with other companies in the sector.
To submit offers, the attached offer form must be completed and signed, together with the documentation specified in the document.
For any information, read the attached "Company branch dossier" and / or contact our offices
Business unit: Furniture production - Pontevedra, Spain
1 Loteak
Ondo Gobid.es

Business unit: Furniture production - Pontevedra, Spain

Business unit: Furniture production - Pontevedra, Spain

Hitzordua 9908

Epaitegia Pontevedra

Mon 04/01/2021 orduak 16:00

Fri 26/02/2021 orduak 16:00

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