The lot includes:
n. 1 structure with three metal hoppers with relative slat discharge underbelt, n. 1 metal hopper with metal underbelt, n. 1 oblique conveyor belt with belt, n. 1 oblique conveyor belt with a length of about 14 meters, n. 1 small metal hopper with a belt belt of about 4 meters in length, n. 1 BEDESCHI mixer/filter, n. 1 oblique conveyor belt with a length of about 9 meters, n. 7 modules of electrical panels (cannibalized), n. 1 oblique auger with a length of about 9 meters, n. 1 oblique conveyor belt + straight belt with a length of about 32 meters (all to be used as spare parts) - ref. 2
Zerbitzari ordua Wed 12/03/2025 orduak 05:26 | Europe/Rome
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