Justiziako Ministerioak baimendutako Salmenta Telematikoak eta Publizitate Gunea kudeatzailea

Zerbitzari ordua Sun 01/09/2024 orduak 14:40 | Europe/Rome

Tubular Lamps - A

Lotea 12

Artxa n.19198

Anitzak > Elektronika

  • Tubular Lamps - A 1
  • Tubular Lamps - A 2
  • Tubular Lamps - A 3
  • Tubular Lamps - A 4
  • Tubular Lamps - A 5
  • Tubular Lamps - A 6
  • + argazkia
- The purchase of this lot requires the payment of an extra cost for management and warehouse costs equal to € 1.461,10 plus VAT
  • Deskribapena

The lot includes:

n. 409 GLASSLIGHT TUBULAR T30 ANTIQ ART. 12100630, year prod. 2018, lot 1218EE - ref. 675
n. 1120 GLASSLIGHT TUBULAR T30 ANTIQ ART. 12100631, year prod. 2018, lot 3918EE - ref. 676
n. 379 GLASSLIGHT ST64 ANTIQUE E27 ART. 12100633, year prod. 2018, lot 3918EE - ref. 678
n. 1260 GLASSLIGHT B75 ANTIQUE E27 2 ART. 12100634, year prod. 2018, lot 5018EE - ref. 679
n. 346 GLASSLIGHT GLOBO G95 ANTIQUE ART. 12100635, year prod. 2018, lot 1218EE - ref. 680
n. 868 GLASSLIGHT GLOBO G95 ANTIQUE ART. 12100636, year prod. 2018, lot 1218EE - ref. 681
n. 171 GLASSLIGHT GLOBE G125 ANTIQU ART. 12100637, year prod. 2018, lot 1218EE - ref. 682
n. 1295 GLASSLIGHT GLOBE G125 ANTIQU ART. 12100638, year prod. 2018, lot 3918EE - ref. 683
n. 840 GLASSLIGHT E115 ANTIQUE E27 ART. 12100639, year prod. 2019, lot 1019EE - ref. 684
n. 680 GLASSLIGHT GLOBE G200 ANTIQU ART. 12100640, year prod. 2019, lot 1019EE - ref. 685
n. 640 GLASSLIGHT DROP S165 ANTIQ ART. 12100641, year prod. 2019, lot 1019EE - ref. 686
n. 661 GLASSLIGHT ST94 ANTIQUE E27 ART. 12100642, year prod. 2019, lot 1019EE - ref. 687
n. 489 GLASSLIGHT TUBULAR T30 CRYST ART. 12100643, year prod. 2019, lot 1019EE - ref. 688

- The sale takes place in the body and not to measure, there may be slight differences in the quantity of the items
- Any inere inherent and consequent to the sale is the sole responsibility of the successful bidder
- The depositary of the goods will take care of preparing and making available the goods envisaged in the individual lots, in the state in which they are found, ready to be loaded on the tipper; therefore the successful bidder will have to take care of the collection and transport of the purchased items and that only authorized personnel will be able to carry out the goods preparation activities.


Lote Gelditua per

estimazio prezioa € 7.418,95

Eskaintza prezioa

Hobereneko bidalketa € 100,00

Erosketa Premiuma 10,00 %

Diru Aurreztena: € 250,00

Lotean BEZa 22,00 %nondik aplikagarria

Prezioak adierazten dira gainetik BEZ eta legezko zereginak


Eska ezazu informazioa
Lighting Accessories - Electrical Equipment
51 Loteak
Eskaintza librea

Lighting Accessories - Electrical Equipment

Lighting Accessories - Electrical Equipment

Artxa 19198

Epaitegia Firenze - Huts egin. n. 122/2021
Saltzailea n.4

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Fri 04/08/2023 orduak 16:35

Astearen Ficha

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