Justiziako Ministerioak baimendutako Salmenta Telematikoak eta Publizitate Gunea kudeatzailea

Zerbitzari ordua Wed 12/03/2025 orduak 10:15 | Europe/Rome

iPhone XS 64 GB - Used

Lotea 280

Artxa n.19975

Apple > iPhone

  • iPhone XS 64 GB - Used 1
  • iPhone XS 64 GB - Used 2
  • iPhone XS 64 GB - Used 3
  • iPhone XS 64 GB - Used 4
  • Deskribapena

iPhone XS 64GB; No box, no cable, no power adapter

COLOUR: Space Grey
USED: Reset

Apple product from judicial administration. The good is sold seen and liked; possibility of viewing by appointment.

The photo used as the cover image is for demonstration purposes only, the other photos are representative of the real conditions of the property.

Marka: Apple

Modeloa: iPhone XS

Kolorea: Space Grey

Oroitzapena: 64

(inkluditako BEZa)

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219,60 -80%

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Erosketa Premiuma € 39,60

Diru Aurreztena: € 25,00

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