The lot includes:
n. 1 OMB truck, mod. FAAM JOLLY CH4, license plate DC267CP, first registration 09/2006, engine size 2351 cc, power supply 82.4 kW, methane fueled, equipped with waste transport tank (cannibalized) - ref. 133
n. 1 OMB truck, mod. FAAM JOLLY CH4, license plate DC266CP, first registration 09/2006, engine size 2351 cc, power supply 82.4 kW, methane fueled, equipped with waste transport tank matr. MC000063 year 2006 - ref. 135
n. 1 OMB truck, mod. FAAM JOLLY CH4, license plate DC268CP, first registration 09/2006, engine size 2351 cc, power supply 82.4 kW, methane fueled, equipped with waste transport tank (cannibalized internally and externally, various damages to the body) - ref. 134
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