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Orari i serverit Tue 28/01/2025 orë 21:11 | Europe/Rome

Villa in Meres - Asturias - Spain - LOT 2

Lloji 2

Garë n.11901

Pasuri të patundshme > Shtëpi dhe Apartamente

  • Villa in Meres - Asturias - Spain - LOT 2 1
  • Villa in Meres - Asturias - Spain - LOT 2 2
  • Villa in Meres - Asturias - Spain - LOT 2 3
  • Villa in Meres - Asturias - Spain - LOT 2 4
  • Villa in Meres - Asturias - Spain - LOT 2 5
  • Villa in Meres - Asturias - Spain - LOT 2 6
  • + fotografi
  • Përshkrimi

Villa in Meres - Asturias - Spain, Calle La Huerte de Meres / San Juan del Obispo LOT 3

Cadastral Reference- 33066A119010380001RQ – sqm 595

Finca n. 100433

The house is located within a promotion of 5 isolated single-family houses, called, in Urbanization LA HUERTA DE MERES, on independent square lots, in a single-family type, isolated building, with access to the houses through a road common to all, which communicates with the outside, also the lots have an internal garden area.

The properties covered by this report are located in Siero, a tourist resort, the properties are located in Meres is a small town located in the Asturian municipality of Siero. It is located 7.5 km from the capital of the municipality, Pola de Siero, and 12 km-7 minutes from Oviedo.
The environment is adjacent, to the north, with via Camino Santiago, to the east and west, with more lots with single-family homes, and to the south, with a road.

For further information consult the appraisal and the attached documentation.

Sipërfaqe: 595

Pjesë: 100433


Lloji Suspenduar për

cmimi i parashikuar € 491.277,95

Çmimi i rezervuar

Oferta minimale € 1.000,00

Prima e blerësit 4,00 %

Depozitë Garancie: € 12.300,00

Çmimet e shënuara përtej TVSH-së dhe detyrave siç është për ligjin


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