Menaxheri i Shitjeve Telematike dhe Faqja e Reklamimit e autorizuar nga Ministria e Drejtësisë

Orari i serverit Sun 01/09/2024 orë 07:12 | Europe/Rome

Steam peeling unit

Lloji 1

Garë n.22470

Ushqim dhe Restorant > Industria Ushqimore

  • Steam peeling unit 1
  • Steam peeling unit 2
  • Steam peeling unit 3
  • Steam peeling unit 4
  • Steam peeling unit 5
  • Steam peeling unit 6
  • + fotografi
Will be eligible to participate in auction only legal subjects possessing VAT and qualify as Company and or Professional in accordance with Legislative Decree no. 206/2005 belonging only to the following categories: outsourcers and traders in the sector
  • Përshkrimi

Steam peeling unit
Model: PT60
Year 2012
The item is in very poor condition, dismantled, with widespread rust. The control panel and the electrical panel are missing.

Manual not present, CE certification not present

The expenses for the sales service provided by the Auction House (Buyer's Premium), equal to 10% of the sale value of the asset, are paid by the property to the successful buyer, who, by virtue of express active delegation, will pay them directly to the auction house together with the purchase price.
In any case, it is specified that the auction commissions indicated above cannot be less than €100.00, plus VAT (minimum service commissions) for each lot or combinations of lots awarded.

Viti: 2012

Marka: Me.Co.P

Modeli: PT60

Numri Identifikues: 14


Lloji Suspenduar për

Çmimi i rezervuar

Oferta minimale € 50,00

Prima e blerësit 10,00 %

Depozitë Garancie: € 100,00

Taksa në lote 22,00 %ku aplikohet

Çmimet e shënuara përtej TVSH-së dhe detyrave siç është për ligjin


Kërko Informacione Kërko shikim
Steam peeling unit
Steam peeling unit
Steam peeling unit
1 Lote

Steam peeling unit

Steam peeling unit

Garë 22470

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