Menaxheri i Shitjeve Telematike dhe Faqja e Reklamimit e autorizuar nga Ministria e Drejtësisë

Orari i serverit Tue 28/01/2025 orë 19:59 | Europe/Rome

Spare Parts for Cars

Garë n. 12698

Gjykata e Palermo - Rënje. n. 51/2018
Shitje n.4

Isola delle Femmine (PA) - Italy

Spare Parts for Cars - Fall. 51/2018 - Trib. di Palermo -Sale 4
1 Lloji
Fri 08/10/2021 orë 11:30
Fri 29/10/2021 orë 12:05
  • Përshkrimi

Spare Parts for Cars

Fallimento n. 51/2018 - Tribunale di Palermo


On sale a warehouse of spare parts for cars of various brand.

For further information consult lot webpages in the combination

Procedure is not registered to VIES. VAT is due also for intra-EU buyers.

At the auction deadline, for highest bids not reaching reserve price, awarding will be subject to Bankruptcy Bodies approval.

Reserve price is indicated on the lot webpage. Lower will be the difference between the bid and the reserve price, higher will be the chance for awarding. Offers reaching the reserve price will determine the provisional lot awarding.

Collection assistance costs are required. Due amounts for the available date (s) of collection are indicated in each lot webpage. For further collection dates additional costs please refer to specific terms of the auction.

Lots are sold as is. Viewing is reccomended.
  • Shikimi:By appointment
  • Pagesa:deri në 04/11/2021
  • Depozitë Garancie:EUR 700,00
  • Tarifat e shtesë për menaxhimidentifikohet

Lotti të pranishëm në ankand (1)

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