Menaxheri i Shitjeve Telematike dhe Faqja e Reklamimit e autorizuar nga Ministria e Drejtësisë

Orari i serverit Sat 18/01/2025 orë 08:46 | Europe/Rome

Shelving and Containers

Lloji 4

Garë n.6580

Logistika > Raftet

  • Shelving and Containers 1
  • Shelving and Containers 2
  • Shelving and Containers 3
  • Shelving and Containers 4
  • Shelving and Containers 5
  • Shelving and Containers 6
  • + fotografi
  • Përshkrimi

The lot includes:

n. 76 stackable metal cassettes 0.30 x 0.50 prof - ref. corsia fondo O
n. 369 green baskets in plastified metal wide 1,00 mt different heights 35,40,45 cm - ref. corsia fondo O
n. 5 modules shelving for blue pallets modules 2.85 prof. 1,00 per totals 13 shelves and 14 montanti blu - ref. entrance O
n. 7 shelf modules h. 3.00 mt largo 1,00 mt prof. 0,40 with componible compartments for 9 shelves cadauno - ref. stanzino O
n. 27 shelf modules white metal 6 shelves with loading 0,90 - ref. corsia fondo O
n. 837 shelving modules blue glass holder 0.90 x 0.50 prof with dividers with 109 mounts - ref. bank area OR
n. 23 shelves module holder h. 3.00 mt largo 0.90 mt prof. 0.40
with componible compartments for 11 shelves cadauno - ref. corsia muro 0
n. 2 modules shelf white metal 6 shelves with loading 0,90 - ref. bank A
n. shelving in metal made to measure - ref. entrance O
n. 1 angular shelving 100 x 30 cn 7 shelves - ref. corsia muro O
n. 1 shelves of angulars with 24 shelves - ref. corsia fondo O
n. 2 shelving in metal tube - ref. stanzino O
n. 1 shelf metal 6 shelves 0,90 white - ref. corsia O
n. 1 white metal shelving prof. 0,90 6 shelves of variable depth - ref. bank area OR
n. 1 white metal shelving prof. 0,90 7 shelves variable depth - ref. corsia O
n. 1 shelf metal green 5 shelves 0.90 - ref. bank area OR
n. 2 scale with wheels h 2.50 with pedana - ref. entrance O
n. 1 metal tubular scale - ref. stanzino O
n. 3 metal scales with wheels for shelving - ref. corsia muro OR
n. 1 soppalco mt. 5 x 5 h 2.15 with 6 double mounted doors grilled counters and 10 travers - ref. bank area OR  

Goods may only be collected after the "stock" lot material has been sold


Ky lote është pjesë e:

Thermo-hydraulic Material Warehouse and Various Equipment
Thermo-hydraulic Material Warehouse and Various Equipment
Thermo-hydraulic Material Warehouse and Various Equipment
Thermo-hydraulic Material Warehouse and Various Equipment
CLote në shitje në kombinim
5 Lote
Kërko Informacione Kërko shikim
Plumbing and heating materials - Various equipment
Plumbing and heating materials - Various equipment
Plumbing and heating materials - Various equipment
5 Lote
Çmimet zbritur
Oferta eliptike

Plumbing and heating materials - Various equipment

Plumbing and heating materials - Various equipment

Garë 6580

Gjykata e Genova - Rënje. n. 52/2017
Shitje n.6

Tue 16/07/2019 orë 15:00

Tue 17/09/2019 orë 15:20

Fletë e Ankandit

Lote të lidhura

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3 Lote
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Canosa Sannita (CH) - Italy

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Poggiofiorito (CH) - Italy

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Karta e Loteve

Canosa Sannita (CH) - Italy

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Karta e Loteve

Canosa Sannita (CH) - Italy

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Raftet, Mobiljet dhe Pajisje për Zyrë

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Karta e Loteve

Terranuova Bracciolini (AR) - Italy

Rafta dhe Pajisje Pune


Rafta dhe Pajisje Pune

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Karta e Loteve

Borgo San Lorenzo (FI) - Italy

Raft, Komodinë dhe Garderobë e Blinduar


Llot i Rafteve


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Lloji 39|Garë 25525

Karta e Loteve

Cannara (PG) - Italy

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