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Orari i serverit Sun 19/01/2025 orë 18:42 | Europe/Rome

N. 8 Forklifts

Lloji 62

Garë n.9165

Logistika > Makineri transportuese

  • N. 8 Forklifts 1
  • N. 8 Forklifts 2
  • N. 8 Forklifts 3
  • N. 8 Forklifts 4
  • N. 8 Forklifts 5
  • N. 8 Forklifts 6
  • + fotografi
  • Përshkrimi

The lot includes:

n. 1 STILL retractable forklift Mod. FM14 n. series 611875003863 year 2003 CE marked with a capacity of 2000 kg equipped with battery charger - ref. C5
n. 1 OM electric forklift Mod. IDEA matr. F2X334A00108 year 2010 CE marked with a capacity of 1000 kg equipped with battery charger - ref. C4
n. 1 CLARK electric forklift Mod. CEM20S n. CEM1450769GEF7102 series 1999 CE marked with a capacity of 2000 kg equipped with battery charger - ref. C6
n. 1 OM forklift order picker Mod. THESI / A2PKGJ matr. F24513K00275 year 2000 with a capacity of 1400 kg equipped with battery charger - ref. C3
n. 1 OM forklift order picker Mod. LOGO 2-41 / 2400 matr. F24516L00075 year 2000 CE marked with a capacity of 2000 kg (of doubtful operation) - ref. C1
n. 1 OM forklift order picker (of doubtful operation) - ref. C2
n. 1 retractable forklift (cannibalized) - ref. C7
n. 1 OM electric forklift, Mod. IDEA, year 2011 (without batteries, to be maintained) - ref. 66

- goods located in Via Croce -


Lloji Suspenduar për

Çmimi i rezervuar

Oferta minimale € 250,00

Prima e blerësit 10,00 %

Depozitë Garancie: € 1.500,00

Tarifat e shtesë për menaxhim € 350,00

Taksa në lote 22,00 %ku aplikohet


Kërko Informacione Kërko shikim
Mechanical and plastic industry - Machinery and equipment
Mechanical and plastic industry - Machinery and equipment
Mechanical and plastic industry - Machinery and equipment
82 Lote

Mechanical and plastic industry - Machinery and equipment

Mechanical and plastic industry - Machinery and equipment

Garë 9165

Gjykata e Vicenza - Rënje. n. 128/2019

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