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Orari i serverit Tue 28/01/2025 orë 16:36 | Europe/Rome

IVECO truck for laboratory use

Garë n. 12170

Gjykata e Vicenza - Rënje. n. 41/2020
Shitje n.3

Castelcucco (TV) - Italy

IVECO truck for laboratory use - Bank. 41/2020 - Vicenza L. C.-Sale 3
1 Lloji
Zbritje -40%
Fri 27/08/2021 orë 15:30
Tue 28/09/2021 orë 15:30
  • Përshkrimi

IVECO truck for laboratory use

Bankruptcy n. 41/2020 - Vicenza Law Court

On sale IVECO truck for laboratory use for the control of LPG tanks

For further information consult lot webpage

Procedure is not registered to VIES. VAT is due also for intra-EU buyers.

Collection assistance costs are required. Due amounts for the available date (s) of collection are indicated in each lot webpage. For further collection dates additional costs please refer to specific terms of the auction.

Lots are sold as is. Viewing is reccomended.

All costs relating to the transfer of ownership will be borne by the buyer.

  • Shikimi:Su appointment
  • Pagesa:deri në 05/10/2021
  • Depozitë Garancie:EUR 600,00
  • Tarifat e shtesë për menaxhimidentifikohet

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