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Orari i serverit Wed 12/03/2025 orë 19:55 | Europe/Rome

Honda Transalp 600 V - A motorcycle

Lloji 2

Garë n.20941

Transporti > Ciklomotorët

  • Honda Transalp 600 V - A motorcycle 1
  • Honda Transalp 600 V - A motorcycle 2
  • Honda Transalp 600 V - A motorcycle 3
  • Honda Transalp 600 V - A motorcycle 4
  • Honda Transalp 600 V - A motorcycle 5
  • Honda Transalp 600 V - A motorcycle 6
  • + fotografi
  • Përshkrimi

Honda motorcycle mod. Transalp 600 V, year 2000, 20386 km measured

For further information see the vehicle registration certificate in the annex 

- to be used for civilian purposes the Institute liveries, emergency devices and then be subjected to re-registration -

Viti: 2000

Marka: Honda

Modeli: Transalp 600 V


Lloji Suspenduar për

Çmimi i rezervuar

Oferta minimale € 50,00

Prima e blerësit 10,00 %

Depozitë Garancie: € 80,00

Tarifat e shtesë për menaxhim € 50,00


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