Gestore delle Vendite Telematiche e Sito di Pubblicità autorizzato dal Ministero della Giustizia

Orario do server dom 05/01/2025 ore 06:07 | Europe/Rome

Hardware Equipment - A

Lotto 8

Asta n.13774

Varie > Stock Prodotti Finiti

  • Hardware Equipment - A 1
  • Descrizzione

The lot includes:

n. 10 Cremonese handles for brass color shutter with fond key. Spiders art. 169 / C - ref. 18
n. 19 Ratchet in aluminum for opening white vasistas pearl art. 770 - ref. 19
n. 20 Small table handle with long bronze handle art. 210 - ref. 20
n. 6 Double bronze knob art. 301 - ref. 21
n. 26 Green anodized aluminum table handle CENTRON art. 1420 - ref. 22
n. 34 MASTER art gothic color blinds hinges 8101 - ref. 23
n. 32 Hinges for comb blinds art. 510 - ref. 24
n. 24 Bronze anodised aluminum table handle CENTRON art. 1420 - ref. 25
n. 9 Hinge for folding door ral CENTRONE - ref. 26
n. 170 Jackets in die-cast aluminum ABITAL art. 1MG58 - ref. 27
n. 39 Corners for rough glazing ABITAL art. 072 - ref. 28
n. 10 Supplementary kit for closing GIESSE flap door art. 4142 - ref. 29
n. 6 Locks for iron doors FACCHINIETTI art. P30 - ref. 30
n. 21 Counter plates for aluminum doors FACCHINETTI art. 3103 - ref. 31
n. 1 LAVAL drop-leaf closing art. 20438 - ref. 32
n. 1 RAS folding door closing art. 605 - ref. 33
n. 10 White candid knobs in aluminum ral SAGUATTI art. 66970 - ref. 34
n. 4 Brass knobs SAGUATTI art. 469 - ref. 35
n. 2 red handle COMUNELLO art. 2200 - ref. 36
n. 4 Lock for triple-closure upright FEB art. 7603 - ref. 37
n. 1 Built-in lock for FIAM doors art. 1320 - ref. 38
n. 1 Electric strike for FEB lock art. 6200/1 - ref. 39
n. 1 Close MERONI door art. DC200 - ref. 40


Sto lotto fa parte di:

Workshop Equipment and Hardware
Workshop Equipment and Hardware
Workshop Equipment and Hardware
Workshop Equipment and Hardware
CLotti in vendita in combinazione
16 Lotti
Richiedi Informazioni Richiedi a vedè
Production of aluminum frames - Machinery and equipment
Production of aluminum frames - Machinery and equipment
Production of aluminum frames - Machinery and equipment
18 Lotti
Offerta libera

Production of aluminum frames - Machinery and equipment

Production of aluminum frames - Machinery and equipment

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