Company Branch - Painting Sector
Sale of business unit operating in the liquid painting activity of details for the household appliance, furniture, furnishings and mechanics in general as well as the pad printing and engraving activity
This is a set of equipment, machinery, furniture, office machines and vehicles
Full list in the annex
The sale also includes the following registered trademark:
"" COLORsystem ""
question n. 302018000013635
deposits on 04/13/2018
class 40
- consists in the writing "" COLORsystem "" in black on a white background in capital letters for the word "" color "and tiny for the word" "system" "-
In the eventuality of removal of movable goods being part of company transfer collection assistance costs on Euro 5.000 are required.
For further information consult the appraisal in the annex
Urariu dû server gio 13/03/2025 uri 18:54 | Europe/Rome
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