The lot includes:
n. 2 carts with the shape of ironing board
n. 9 work baskets on wheels
n. 6 carts for cage work - approx. cm. 100x60
n. 6 carts for cage work with closing on three sides - approx. cm. 190x93
n. 6 green cage work carts of various sizes with closure on three sides
n. 5 work baskets on wheels with two-leaf gate
n. 1 basket in gray plastic on wheels
n. 1 trolley with two wooden chipboard shelves
n. 2 platforms on wheels
n. 1 trolley with laminate top and two-drawer chest of drawers
n. 1 metal basket on wheels with plastic roller to stuff garments - ref. 19
Urariu dû server mer 15/01/2025 uri 09:32 | Europe/Rome
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