The lot includes:
n. 1 structure for automatic sliding door BESAM Mod. UNISLIDE ADS 3 MT with DORMA ES200 EASY motor - ref. X18
n. 2 REI doors per door - ref. X9
n. 1 pallet with SCHUCO hinges and hardware - ref. X21
lot consisting of profiles for glass and plastic corners - ref. X137
n. 1 frame with door, n. 1 window frame, n. 1 frame with two doors, n. 1 door, n. 1 door panel, various shutters - ref. X138
n. 1 grasshopper with four REI door leaves - ref. X22
n. 1 structure with rail for sliding door (of doubtful functioning) - ref. X19
n. 3 frames with door - ref. X79
Urariu dû server lun 13/01/2025 uri 02:39 | Europe/Rome
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