Raw Material Lot "CLAY"
The data are accounting but also obtained by comparing an appraisal of 2011 and the analyzes (in the annex). In the report there were 251,000 cubic meters of clay. The samples showed that the weight of 1 cubic meter is about 2 millimeters, or 2 tons. It is therefore obtained that the total weight was 502,000 tons, equal to 5,020,000 quintals. Please note that from the date of 2011 (sworn appraisal) to the date of the appraisal of the appointed expert there have been uses but also purchases. The accounting value was therefore kept, lower among the available values. We therefore point out that this is an estimation and not a definitive quantity.
the withdrawal strictly requires the restoration of any excavations of the plan at the campaign level
Urariu dû server gio 12/12/2024 uri 04:41 | Europe/Rome
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Gesturi di Venditi Telematici e Sito di Pubblicità autorizzatu dû Ministeru dâ Giustizia