Gesturi di Venditi Telematici e Sito di Pubblicità autorizzatu dû Ministeru dâ Giustizia

Urariu dû server sab 28/12/2024 uri 12:25 | Europe/Rome

Business Unit - Vehicle Repair Sector

Lotto 3

Asta n.22034

Varie > Ramu di Azienda / Affittu

  • Business Unit - Vehicle Repair Sector 1
  • Business Unit - Vehicle Repair Sector 2
  • Business Unit - Vehicle Repair Sector 3
  • Business Unit - Vehicle Repair Sector 4
  • Business Unit - Vehicle Repair Sector 5
  • Business Unit - Vehicle Repair Sector 6
  • + foto
  • Descrizzioni

Business Unit - Vehicle Repair Sector

Sale of the company branch concerning the activity of mechanical workshop, self-repair, mechanics and engines, bodywork and auto electrics, motor vehicle overhaul and vehicle rental, including the following elements:

- movable property, equipment and furnishings (see in the annex)
- business start-up

For furhter information see the documentation in the annex


Lotto Sospisu pi

Prezzo di riserva

Rilancio minimu € 250,00

Commissioni d'Acquirenti 13,00 %

Depositu Cauzionali: € 700,00


Richiedi 'nfurmazioni Richiedi a visione
Business companies- Sale and repair of vehicles
2 Lotti

Business companies- Sale and repair of vehicles

Business companies- Sale and repair of vehicles

Asta 22034

Tribunali di Perugia - Autunnu. n. 28/2022
Vennita n.5

lun 18/03/2024 uri 12:00

gio 18/04/2024 uri 12:00

Scheda Asta

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